The Advancing Mental Health Equalities (AMHE) event was hosted by the No Wrong Door Programme in Southampton in early July 2022.

The day started with the No Wrong Door programme being introduced and the main aim of implementing the national community mental health framework was emphasised. No Wrong Door team also outlined in detail, including the particular barriers faced by minority groups, especially in accessing and benefitting from mental health services. The No Wrong Door programme also highlighted a clear focus on developing integrated collaboration between primary care, community mental health teams, the voluntary sector and local authorities in tackling mental health inequalities. An example of potentially useful methodology to achieve such aims was the colocation and collaboration between different care services.
Later in the morning, the conference attendees were given the opportunity to hear from four beneficiaries that had received grants from the No Wrong Door programme. Portsmouth City of Sanctuary, Inclusion & Isorropia, The Footprints Project and Yellow Door all provided insight into the services they provide for those experiencing poor mental health in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
In the afternoon, Tonic presented a poster (shown below) informing attendees of how the grant would be used to support Tonic participants. Tonic staff outlined the Recovery Through Music programme, which provides music workshops for members of the public experiencing poor mental health. Conference attendees were informed of the work of the Tonic Ska Choir and the Men’s Music Jam.