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Festival volunteers needed!

Tonic Music are seeking volunteers for several festivals throughout the summer!

Become a Tonic Music volunteer this festival season and discover a community of like-minded people who want to give something back.

Tonic Music festival volunteering opportunities are open to everyone who is eligible, but you must be 18 years old on the day you arrive on site. We also value experience and encourage support from mature volunteers too.


Current list of Festivals

Coast Fest (Event Complete)

Bishop's Waltham Festival (Event Complete)

Royal International Air Tattoo (19th-21st July)

Camp Bestival Dorset (25th-28th July)

Secret Garden Party (25th-28th July)

Rewind North (2nd-4th August)

Good Vibrations Society Festival (2nd-4th August)

Lakefest (7th-11th August)

Rewind South (16th-18th August)

Wild Fields Festival (16th-17th August)

Victorious Festival (23rd-25th August)

Sounds Good Festival (13th-14th September)


Becoming a volunteer for Tonic Music is very simple, see below to apply:

A) Registration form Click the link below to complete the Tonic Music volunteer registration form. You will be asked to provide your demographic information, contact details (including emergency contact) and the festivals/role you are interested in. Alongside this, you will also be asked to provide the details of a referee and agree to the T&Cs.

B) Response from Tonic Music Upon receipt of a satisfactory reference, you will be emailed with information about the festivals you have registered to volunteer at.

C) Volunteer training Prior to volunteering at any festivals, you will need to attend and complete a 2-hour online group training session facilitated by a member of the Tonic Music team. There are three training sessions dates available, of which you only need to attend one.



Build & Break Setting up and packing down the Tonic Music areas, including any front-of-house and backstage stands / gazebos. Please note, this will usually be conducted on the days before and after the festival. 

Campsite Hubs AIR Hubs (Assist, Info, Response) are bus stop-like structures located in each campsite. These hubs create a community feel in their campsite, support festival-goers with any questions they may have and point them in the direction of things, as a a friendly face on-site.

Fundraising Collecting donations, signing people up to monthly giving and encouraging people to take on a fundraising event.

Information Stand Providing information to festival attendees about Tonic Music, including the Never Mind The Stigma programme and fundraising events; along with distributing mental health resources. 

Merch Stand Selling Tonic Music merchandise to festival attendees, such as clothing, accessories and records.

Tonic Lounge Providing informal mental health support to festival attendees, which at times may require employing grounding techniques or signposting to the welfare team (qualified mental health practitioners only).


Please note, by volunteering with Tonic Music:

  • Some festivals have limited places, so Tonic Music can not guarantee you will be able to attend every festival you apply for.

  • You must be prepared to make your own travel arrangements to/from the festival.

  • Travel expenses will not be reimbursed.

  • Tonic Music cannot provide tents or alternative accommodation.

  • No food or crew catering is available - you must bring your own provisions throughout the festival.

  • You must arrive on time for the start of your shifts, ensuring you arrive in good time to be accredited and set up your tent and have a briefing.

  • By volunteering with Tonic Music, you will receive 1 X wristband that will entitle you free entry into the festivals for the duration. You are free to enjoy the festivals outside of your allocated shifts with Tonic Music.

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