Studies around mental health in the music industry

Tonic Rider Research
Tonic Rider are working alongside the University of Portsmouth to conduct a series of studies around mental health in the music industry.

Tonic Rider lets us know that we all struggle at some point however robust we may feel.
Adam Ficek
Musician / Psychotherapist / Babyshambles

Professional musicians and the music industry: What are your experiences of mental health?
The first study is an online survey exploring personal experiences and formal diagnoses of mental health disorders amongst working musicians and music industry professionals. The research is important because awareness of mental health within the music industry has increased, but there is still a lack of understanding with regards to prevalence of poor mental health and mental ill health.
We are seeking participants who are 18 years or older, who currently reside in the UK, and who actively work as musicians or within the music industry to take part in the research. Participation in the research is entirely voluntary, and would require you to complete an online questionnaire that will take up approximately 10 minutes of your time.
For more information and to take part, please click on button below:

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